
Bridge: Nakhon Nayok, Thailand
Test Period: 2021-01-11 to 2021-01-13
Test Times: 12:39:26 to 02:27:45
Number of violations: 136
Number of transits: 998

Gross Vehicle Weight
Mean weight (T): 32.25
Mode weight (T): 0.32
Weight limit (T): 50.0
Number of violations: 81
Max violation (T): 150.36
Mean Speed (Km/h): 39.26
Mode speed (Km/h): 39.0
Speed limit (Km/h): 60.0
Number of violations: 51
Max violation (Km/h): 111.0
Vehicle Length (m):
Mean Length (m): 15.14
Mode length (m): 16.65
Length limit (m): 20.0
Number of violations: 4
Max violation: 64.86
Mean ESAL: 345.5
Mode ESAL (m): 2000
ESAL limit (m): 0.7
Number of violations: 989
Max violation: 2000

Location Nakhon Nayok, Thailand
Measurement period: 2021-01-11 to 2021-01-13
Measurement times: 12:39:26 to 02:27:45
Number of events: 998
Number of violations: 136

By axle count
Axles Transits Mean Speed (Km/h) Mean Weight (T) ESAL
2 42 48.37 9.4 109.81
3 157 41.96 16.83 132.3
4 80 40.92 30.55 693.29
5 240 38.14 32.14 377.28
6 448 37.82 38.94 345.08

Class Speed (km/h) Weight (T) ESAL
Limit 60.0 50.0 0.7
Violations 51 81 989