
Bridge: Tiffen, Austria
Test Period: 17.03.72-17.03.92
Number of violations: 480
Number of events: 148
Gross Vehicle Weight
Mean weight (T): 80
Mode weight (T): 100
Weight limit (T): 100
Number of violations: 480
Max violation (T): 148
Mean Speed (Km/h): 80
Mode speed (Km/h): 100
Speed limit (Km/h): 100
Number of violations: 480
Max violation (Km/h): 148
Vehicle Length (m):
Mean Length (m): 80
Mode length (m): 100
Length limit (m): 100
Number of violations: 480
Max violation: 148

Location Tiffen, Austria
Measurement period: 17.03.72 - 17.03.92
Number of events: 6000
Number of violations: 480

Vehicle Classes
Class Events Mean Speed (Km/h) Mean Weight (T) ESAL
1 1000 130 18 1.0
2 1034 130 18 1.0
3 1048 130 18 1.0
4 1044 130 18 1.0
5 1048 130 18 1.0
6 1044 130 18 1.0

Class Speed (km/h) Weight (T) ESAL
Limit 130 18 1.0
Violations 1034 1300 1300