Research Projects


Dates: 2017-2020
Funding authority: European Union Eureka Framework
Partners Cervenka Consulting.
Leonhardt, Andrä und Partner.
Institut für Bauinformatik, Technische Universität Dresden.

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A new bridge assessment system was developed that offers low cost online monitoring and advanced system identification. Current methods of characterising a bridge are based modal analysis, i.e. treating the bridge as a single system and observing how it oscillates when it is subject to a sudden load. Cyberbridge will enhance this approach by with a Finite Element Model that models the bridge as a series of cells. This approach allows local events such as crack propagation to be modelled and used to predict the overall behaviour of the bridge. This model is constantly updated to reflect the actual conditions using continuous monitoring of the bridge's geometry and loading. This sophisticated model improves our ability to predict how the bridge will deteriorate if present conditions continue. The system and its ancilliary services, i.e. continuous support and training, partial and complete bridge monitoring services and life cycle prognosis, were purchased by the client.

CILIA: Comprehensive Infrastructure LifeCycle Assessment

Date: 01.07.2011-30.06.2013
Funding authority: Austrian Research Promotion Agency
Partners: Centre for Mobility, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Vienna,
Institute of Structural Engineering at BOKU Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien.

Bridges are critical components of the Austrian rail network. An effective maintenance strategy will improve the efficiency of the network and save money. The CILIA project used stochastic simulations to identify and investigate factors that cause bridges to deteriorate. The model resulting from this investigation is an important component in the Lifetime Cycle Cost Analysis.

OptiMAL: Optimisation and integrated modelling for asset management and lifecycle analysis of our built infrastructuren

Date: 2010 to 2012
Funding authorities:
Partners: Vienna Consulting Engineers ZT GmbH
PMS Consult

The effective planning of road maintenance requires a quantitative method for describing road conditions. A computer-assisted method that calculates relevant metrics was implemented This method allows both the physical requirements andand economic consequences of a maintenance action to be evaluated. The metrics can be used to support technical descisions about structural integrity or, at the network level, financial decisions about the allocation of resources.

NBCR – New mathematical models for BWIM and their computational realization

Date: 2010
Funding authority: Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT) (ModSim Initiative)

The aim is to use the capacities in the field of modeling and simulation, especially in the field of computational mathematics. This field is developed well academically and therefore, ModSim uses it for effective structural measures to use new impulses for the economical development and to create new long term competences. The vision of the initiative is to distribute computational mathematics in the economy.

Stochastic Aging Model for Infrastructure Buildings

Date: 2007
Funding authorities: Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie, ASFINAG, ÖBB

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